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Matching ads in neighbourhoods of Lapworth CP

Eden End Guest House

2447 Stratford Road, Solihull

Located 15 minutes’ drive from Birmingham International Airport, Eden End Guest House provides free on-site parking and en suite rooms.

Hotel details & booking »

Hockley Heath CP #h84 Lapworth CP #qb8 Solihull #q585, #q586 Warwick #bts7 Warwickshire #tk4r4 West Midlands #5d5cb England #zqsjhh United Kingdom #jrskgv

This accommodation offer is provided in partnership with Booking.com.

The Stables- Deer Park Farm

Deer Park Farm, Solihull

The Stables at Deer Park Farm in Solihull offer well-equipped chalets overlooking the farm’s paddocks. This bed and breakfast accommodation in a converted stable block features luxurious furnishings and free W...

Hotel details & booking »

Lapworth CP #d8q Warwick #b9d4 Warwickshire #8shvr West Midlands #5f8v7, #5f8vq England #zq724s United Kingdom #jr7872, #jr787z

This accommodation offer is provided in partnership with Booking.com.

The Punchbowl Lapworth

Mill lane, Lapworth

The Punchbowl Lapworth in Lapworth features a garden and a bar. This bed and breakfast offers free WiFi. The property boasts a restaurant. At the bed and breakfast, the rooms...

Hotel details & booking »

Lapworth CP #fqn Warwick #b65t Warwickshire #8rgzz West Midlands #5fqb3 England #zq764d United Kingdom #jr777f

This accommodation offer is provided in partnership with Booking.com.

The Oak Hotel

8640 Stratford Road, Hockley Heath

With a bar and restaurant, The Oak Hotel is within 25 minutes’ drive of Warwick, Stratford-upon-Avon and Birmingham city centre. This Hockley Heath hotel offers en suite rooms with free p...

Hotel details & booking »

Lapworth CP #pzp Tanworth in Arden CP #g4j Warwick #brcn Stratford-on-Avon #cz6t Warwickshire #tm34g West Midlands #5dn95 England #zq7sqq United Kingdom #jrskmj

This accommodation offer is provided in partnership with Booking.com.

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Lapworth CP